- 《be ~》親密{しんみつ}な個人的関係{こじん てき かんけい}にある
involved in close personal relationships 意味
- "involved in an intrigue with" 意味
- "involved in an organized way" 意味
- "involved in bank robberies" 意味
- "involved in child-raising" 意味
- "involved in child-rearing" 意味
- "involved in countless skirmishes" 意味
- "involved in creating the virus" 意味
- "involved in cross-border business" 意味
- "involved in cultural exchange" 意味
- "involved in child-raising" 意味
- "involved in child-rearing" 意味
- "involved in countless skirmishes" 意味
- "involved in creating the virus" 意味